Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Recent Conversations

Yes, I'm about to eat my words. Yes, I do remember telling everyone at work that if I was with child before Kaylen was three I'd shoot myself. I'm mean really, I was still recovering from the infant tyrant from mean from the shock of how wonderfully fufilling life had become. I was the one sitting in bed the night before my maternity leave was over looking like a kid on Christmas Eve, anxiously waiting to fall asleep so I could see what surprises lay under the tree the next morning. You mean I get to leave THE BABY HERE, commute an hour each way, take care of other people's sick kids for 12 hours, work every other weekend, and I get paid? Woah I'm in! Just the meer thought of waking up in the morning only to be responsible for NOTHING BUT MAKING MY OWN COFFEE was enough to make me chuckle a little on the inside and say screw mommy-hood. I wasn't really even worried how Adam would do working from home with her, not MY problem.

So here we are, Adam and I have been discussing "it". The second child. NUMERAL DOS. We've entertained several reason's why sooner might be better than later.

1. We want Kaylen to have a sibling. The thought of what she would be like as a teenage only child SCARES ME.
2. It can't get any worse than it already was(meaning we know how to soothe a colicky baby with blind folds on and our hands tied behind our backs).
3. We are old pro's now. What could a second kid do to possibly throw us off our game.(eat words later)
4. We would be forced to clean the junk out of the 3rd bedroom.
5. It would justify the mini van purchase.
6. The sooner the whole family can walk, talk and sleep through the night, the better. (also might eat words later)
7. Adam is getting old, I think he's 35.

Those are all pretty good reasons, but the best reason I can think of is that for every one of these....... 

We get thousands of these.....

Who wouldn't want to multiply that by two.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What A difference A year Makes

4 months

16 months

It's 9:50am, the day after Halloween and I am the only one up still. Adam and my little bumble bee must have had a little too much fun last night! I missed Halloween with my family this year. I always go to work feeling a little bit sad that the career I chose is a 24/7 operation and I am expected to hold up my end of the holiday shifts. The sadness only lasts my morning commute and once I step in the doors of SCH I am reminded that I have a healthy kid and that Halloween costumes aren't all that important. It is a very humbling experience to be caring for the most fragile of children when they should be home with their families running from door to door trick or treating or giddy with excitement opening gifts on Christmas. It's a sacrifice I am reminded I am willing to make.

So Kaylen was a bumble bee this year and despite my failed attempts to put her costume on her the week before Hollow's Eve, she willingly put it on for Adam. Go figure. They had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She said "trich o trea" and I got a bunch of great blurry text pictures on my I phone. Taresa (my good friend and co-worker) and I went out for tacos after a long weekend of 12 hour shifts and celebrated our own Halloween, sans kids and husbands. 

2 days before Halloween, only big one's left!

Most photos I get of her are of her back these days

Off to "trich o trea" in Kaylen's words

Love of the goats at the pumpkin patch