Thursday, January 27, 2011

project 365: day 7

Pile O' Shoes that sits by the front door. All the time. There is a basket that they go in but they are always in a pile on the floor. This is the only thing I could think of to take a picture of after working a 12 hour shift.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

project 365: day 6

Because I never want to forget.......

These little feet.....

These blonde curls......

Or the baby swing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

365 project: day 5

Ok, I've already stuck with the 365 project about 3 days longer than I thought I would. Only 360 more to go! We had "family night" at preschool tonight. Adam and my mom came and I think they were glad that they aren't the one's taking her on a weekly basis. She is deciding in this photo if she is going to eat the play dough. I will leave it up to your imagination if she did or not. It was blue with glitter in it....yummm. 

Monday, January 24, 2011