I have learned that:
1. Kaylen is the boss.
2. Fancy strollers are worth their weight in gold. They may cost as much as gold *gulp* BUT... being able to shop for 4 hours with no crying or even asking to get out is so worth it. Dare I say she almost even fell asleep.
3. 17 month old's really do absorb everything. Case it point we were in Lowe's yesterday and she saw a toilet on display and yelled "POO POO!"
4. Kaylen is the boss.
5. BOTH my minivan sliding doors freeze shut when it snows. We must enter and exit from the tailgate. Now we fit in with the next door neighbors. Maybe they will finally invite us over for dinner and a few Busch Lights.
6. Naps are a nice little break but when said toddler takes a nap it's really like she's recharging. There is a downside.
7. Rachel Ray makes dog food and they sell it at Walmart. My mom says it makes the dogs fart less.
8. Kaylen is the boss.
9. For the next baby, I'm not buying any toys. Just going to give the kid some old shoes and pine cones to chew on and maybe just stick my Caphalon pots and pans in he or she's crib. Glass lids and all because those are the funnest.
10. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Kaylen is the boss?